Transferring SVN Repos Between Servers
I started an SVN server on my work laptop for a project. Now, work wants me to move it to a ‘real’ server for ‘safety’ and ‘availability’. Pfft. I’ve only spilled water all over this laptop and nearly destroyed it ONCE!
But, an order is an order. So, I will figure out how to transfer SVN repos from one computer to another - via the command line. Because that’s how I roll.
The intent of this is to transfer all files, version history, old version, pretty much everything to the new server.
First, I need to backup my old repository. The command looks something like this:
svnadmin dump /path/to/repository > repo_name.svn_dump
Gotta figure out what the path to the repository is…
Probably this, from one of my checkouts:
Okay, no, it’s looking for a local file path.
That means I have to be where my repo is stored - which is c:\svn (I’m clever and unique aren’t I?) The repo is wagm, which is a subdirectory under this folder.
And… yeah, make sure you dump to a file and not just dump - it hanged my command prompt.
Here’s the command line I used to dump the SVN repo:
c:\svn>svnadmin dump wagm > wagm.svn_dump
* Dumped revision 0.
* Dumped revision 1.
* Dumped revision 2.
* Dumped revision 3.
* Dumped revision 4.
And it continues up to 750. That should be it.
So now I have the backup. On the new server-side, I must create a new repo into which I can restore the dump.
I have an SSH connection. Our repos are stored at /srv/svn/repos.
I do this:
sfrieder@APWestSWTeamRed .../repos/svn$ sudo svnadmin create wagm
How do you like that? Not even an ‘OK’! Oh well, it did it.
Now I have to get the dump to the new server.
I used FTP.
Now, I load the dump into the newly-created repo:
sfrieder@APWestSWTeamRed .../repos/svn$ sudo svnadmin load wagm < wagm.svn_dump
And after a bit, it has loaded everything in. Fin.
Couldn’t be easier!
Oh, but that wasn’t all!
I had to change permissions on the folder that holds the repo I created. It needs to be owned by www-data user (or group?) for me to be able to check out the repo.
sudo chown -R www-data wagm/
But… that didn’t do it either. We’re still trying - considering that this SVN server is tied to Redmine, we might have to make a Redmine project.
We did, in fact, have to make a Redmine project to allow my user to access it, but that was unique to our installation. It would not necessarily occur for anyone using a standalone SVN server.