Command-Line Options
If you’ve ever used a command-line program you might have had to deal with command-line arguments. You use them to change the behavior of the program. That’s pretty useful. The following code supports the use of three command-line switches:
-h/–help - Displays a help message
-v/–version - Displays the program version
-f/–logfilepath - Set the log file path
Python Command-Line Arguments Example v0.1
Version 0.1 Build 23 (1/15/18)
Author: Stephen Friederichs
License: Beerware License: If you find this program useful and you ever met me, buy me a beer. (I like Saisons)
This script demonstrates the use of the getopt library to parse command-line arguments passed to the Python script.
The following command-line parameters control the behavior of the script:
-h, --help - Shows this screen and exits
-v, --version - Display version information
-l, --license - Display author and license information
-f, -logfilepath=<PATH> - Set the log file path
import textwrap
import logging
import getopt
import sys
logFilePath = "default.log"
logLevel = logging . DEBUG
def prettyPrint ( uglyString ):
"""This function properly formats docstrings for printing on the console"""
#Remove all newlines
uglyString = uglyString . replace ( ' \n ' , '' ). replace ( ' \r ' , '' )
#Use textwrap module to automatically wrap lines at 79 characters of text
print textwrap . fill ( uglyString , width = 79 )
def license ():
for line in __doc__ . splitlines ()[ 3 : 5 ]:
prettyPrint ( line )
def help ():
for line in __doc__ . splitlines ()[ 5 :]:
prettyPrint ( line )
def version ():
prettyPrint ( __doc__ . splitlines ()[ 2 ])
def progId ():
prettyPrint ( __doc__ . splitlines ()[ 1 ])
progId ()
try :
opts , args = getopt . getopt ( sys . argv [ 1 :], 'hvlf:' , [ 'help' , 'version' , 'license' , 'logfile=' ])
except getopt . GetoptError :
print "Bad argument(s)"
help ()
sys . exit ( 2 )
for opt , arg in opts :
if opt in ( '-h' , '--help' ):
help ()
sys . exit ( 2 )
elif opt in ( '-l' , '--license' ):
license ()
elif opt in ( '-f' , '--logfilepath=' ):
logFilePath = str ( arg )
elif opt in ( '-v' , '--version' ):
version ()
else :
help ()
sys . exit ( 2 )
logging . basicConfig ( filename = logFilePath , filemode = 'a' , level = logLevel )
logging . debug ( "Logging is configured - Log Level %s , Log File: %s" , str ( logLevel ), logFilePath )