Bossman wants me to make a CentOS 7 installer USB drive.

Let’s do this.

First attempt, this website.

For Windows 10, says I need Win32DiskImager.

Then I need the install media. I chose the ‘everything’ ISO because why not? Get everything and it’s only 10G, the drive is 60G.

Says it’s going to take 3-4 hours to download though…

Installing Win32DiskImager

  1. Double click the downloaded install file
  2. Accept the License agreement
  3. Accept the default installation path of C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageWriter
  4. Accept the default start menu folder of Image Writer
  5. Opt to create a desktop shortcut
  6. Click ‘Install’
  7. Opt to start the program when install has finished

Creating the Bootable USB Drive

Win32DiskImager has started as per the last step in the previous section. These are the steps to create the bootable USB drive:

  1. Select the image file (Note, I had to change the filter to all files to find the .iso)
  2. Ensure the Device is the correct drive.
  3. Click Write and see what happens

Spoiler: It wrote.

Installing CentOS 7

Dave gave me a laptop to install CentOS 7 on.

I am doing that.

F11 brings up the boot menu - it booted from the USB just fine. Defaults for most of the installation were good - I had to delete the existing partitions on the hard drive.

Root password:

I made no new users.

Getting a GUI on the PC

Turns out we need a GUI. So I’m reinstalling.

Changes I made:

  • Under ‘Software Selection’ I’ve changed it to ‘GNOME Desktop. I had added on (because it seemed like a good idea):
    • Compatibility libraries
    • Development Tools
    • Security Tools
    • System Administration Tools

Same root password… trying again…

Seems to work this time.

I’ve created a new user:

  • Username: sfrieder
  • Password:
